The Power of Intent

Dreams are wonderful.  We all have them.  They’re fun, exciting and free.  They float in our minds like dandelion seeds on a breeze, light and harmless.  Dreams can be as grand as we dare to imagine, and if they never materialize, it’s no big deal.  After all, they’re just dreams—weightless and fleeting.

But a dream begins to transform when we ask ourselves, “Why does this matter to me?”

The answer might come instantly, or it might take some soul-searching.  Either way, this question sparks something within us.  Suddenly, there’s a pull—a desire to act.  Maybe it’s driven by money, fame, security, self-worth, family, or community.  All are valid reasons, none right or wrong.  With this newfound “why,” we become motivated.  The stakes are raised.  Not achieving this dream now feels like a loss.  Desire ignites, becoming a flame that fuels us forward.

At this point, another question arises: “So what?”

Billions of people have dreams and desires.  What makes yours special?  Nothing, yet.  On its own, it’s still just a wish, a fleeting thought.  But it keeps tugging at you, and you find yourself asking more focused questions:

  • Where do I want to go?

  • When do I want to get there?

  • What do I want to accomplish?

  • How do I want to do it?

  • Who do I want to do this with?

With these questions, your dream begins to take shape.  A vision emerges.  The picture comes into focus.  You’re on the verge of transforming your dream into something real.  But first, you must decide:

Do you simply want to do it, or do you plan to do it?

  • Where do you plan to go?

  • When do you plan to get there?

  • What do you plan to accomplish?

  • How do you plan to do it?

  • Who do you plan to do this with?

This shift—from wanting to planning—is the power of intent.  It’s the moment a dream becomes a goal.  A goal is just a dream with motivation and a plan.  Until that shift happens, a dream remains nothing more than a wish, a hope, or a fantasy.  But when you decide to plan, your motivation gains direction.  You stop wishing and start doing.  That’s when everything becomes real.

If you’re reading this, perhaps you dream of making your high school varsity team, starting at a Division I college, signing a professional contract, or even playing in the big leagues.  None of these dreams will come true if they remain just dreams.  But every one of them is possible when you turn it into a goal.

All it takes is the power of intent.


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Outside the Box